IG Writers December Challenge

IG Writers December Challenge

Happy Sunday!

I just have to share this Instagram (IG) Writers December Challenge that I came across at midnight, created by  @normalchey on IG

It’s a great way to look at your writing life by posting everyday of December for the challenge listed.  It’s also a great way to get into posting on a regular basis so that you can connect with other writers.

Check me out on Instagram  @hbnorell on IG

Have fun with this, it’s a joyous month to celebrate you as a writer!

NaNoWriMo Goal Trackers

NaNoWriMo Goal Trackers

Are you on a writing roll and you don’t want to stop because it’s built into your daily life? The problem is you need a way to keep track of your word count just like on Nano.  This  helps to keep you accountable as you see the stats of your daily word count progress. Hold onto your keyboards – problem solved!  NaNoWriMo has just introduced Goal Trackers!  I’m totally jumping up and down for this! Keep track of your goals just like we do during November Novel Month on NaNoWriMo.  Go to ‘My NaNoWriMo’, then click on ‘Goal Trackers’.  Create your title, timeline and word count goal.  I have already started mine for December, it may be a lesser goal but still a goal of writing everyday.

Happy Writing!